Module crowd-control.helpers
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import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.animation as animation
def get_neighbor_coords(x, y, len_x, len_y):
Returns list of valid neighbor coordinates in a 2D-array.
x (int): x coordinate of cell
y (int): y coordinate of cell
len_x, len_y (int, int): Dimension of the 2D-array
List[tuple]: List of tuples with indeces of valid neighbors.
(x_pos, y_pos) for x_pos in range(x-1, x+2)
for y_pos in range(y-1, y+2)
if (x != x_pos or y != y_pos) and
(0 <= x_pos < len_x) and
(0 <= y_pos < len_y)]
def build_and_save_animation(data_frames, title, iterations):
Animates list of 2D-arrays and saves to mp4.
data_frames (list[ndarray]): list of frames to be animated.
title (str): title of the output file
iterations: Number of frames needed.
fig = plt.figure()
im = plt.imshow(np.random.randint(low=-1, high=2, size=(5, 5)), animated=True, interpolation="nearest", origin="upper")
def animate(frame_number):
return im,
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=iterations, interval=200, blit=True)
# saving to m4 using ffmpeg writer
writervideo = animation.FFMpegWriter(fps=5)'simulation_videos/{title}.mp4', writer=writervideo)
# vectorized functions
get_value_array = np.vectorize(lambda cell: cell.value)
get_distance_array = lambda cell, value : cell.left_exit_distance if value < 0 else cell.right_exit_distance
get_distance_array = np.vectorize(get_distance_array)
is_empty_vectorized = lambda cell : cell.is_empty()
is_empty_vectorized = np.vectorize(is_empty_vectorized)
def build_and_save_animation(data_frames, title, iterations)
Animates list of 2D-arrays and saves to mp4.
- list of frames to be animated.
- title of the output file
- Number of frames needed.
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def build_and_save_animation(data_frames, title, iterations): """ Animates list of 2D-arrays and saves to mp4. Args: data_frames (list[ndarray]): list of frames to be animated. title (str): title of the output file iterations: Number of frames needed. """ fig = plt.figure() im = plt.imshow(np.random.randint(low=-1, high=2, size=(5, 5)), animated=True, interpolation="nearest", origin="upper") def animate(frame_number): im.set_data(data_frames[frame_number]) return im, anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=iterations, interval=200, blit=True) # saving to m4 using ffmpeg writer writervideo = animation.FFMpegWriter(fps=5)'simulation_videos/{title}.mp4', writer=writervideo) plt.close()
def get_neighbor_coords(x, y, len_x, len_y)
" Returns list of valid neighbor coordinates in a 2D-array.
- x coordinate of cell
- y coordinate of cell
len_x, len_y (int, int): Dimension of the 2D-array
- List of tuples with indeces of valid neighbors.
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def get_neighbor_coords(x, y, len_x, len_y): """" Returns list of valid neighbor coordinates in a 2D-array. Args: x (int): x coordinate of cell y (int): y coordinate of cell len_x, len_y (int, int): Dimension of the 2D-array Returns: List[tuple]: List of tuples with indeces of valid neighbors. """ return[ (x_pos, y_pos) for x_pos in range(x-1, x+2) for y_pos in range(y-1, y+2) if (x != x_pos or y != y_pos) and (0 <= x_pos < len_x) and (0 <= y_pos < len_y)]